Not a British Native Breed, but experiencing huge popularity in recent years. Originally from Hungary, Mangalitza pigs are a very old breed of pig with a cute wooly coat which makes them ideally suited to outdoor systems.
They reach their ‘prime’ at 2 years of age gaining marbling akin to Wagyu, and building up a fantastic flavour. Managlitza meat is so different to an industrially produced pig (which can be ‘ready’ at just 4 months old), it is dark, marbled and juicy with an unbeatable flavour.

The meat and fat of the Mangalitza were of such high quality that it was prized across Europe by Royalty and the aristocracy. But as we know since World War II, most fast maturing pigs have been bred with virtually no fat, just lean “white meat”. Consequently, Mangalitza numbers declined so dramatically that this once highly-prized delicacy, was on the brink of extinction.

Now that people are starting to look for pork that tastes better, like meat used to taste, which can only achieved with fat and marbling, the Managlitza is once again back on the menus of those in the know. Our Mangalitza Pork, Bacon & Gammons come from Otterburn Mangalitzas who supply Alternative Meats.
Getting Mangalitza back on menus was a long time coming for Lisa Hodgson of Otterburn Managlitzas. At first many butchers were unaware of the breed and didn’t know how to deal with the fat.

But fortunately Jeannie and Rachel at Alternative Meats had been supplying Wagyu Beef to some of the most well known Michelin-Starred Chefs of Great Britain and so understood that Mangalitza was simply the Wagyu of the pork world. They say of Otterburn very rare breed Mangalitza “[it is]….fantastic quality, with a stand alone taste experience, like nothing you have ever had before”
Lisa Hodgson’s now has the largest pedigree herd in the UK and strives through selective breeding to produce the best marbling and fat possible. She is passionate about the breed and about animal welfare.